Is it Safe to Burn Incense Around Pets?

Incense is a very popular approach to creating a fragrant, welcoming atmosphere in one’s home or office. Some of these scents have a calming effect that might make us feel at ease and content, or neutralize strong odors left by our furry companions.
Many people desire a pleasant-smelling home without running the risk of endangering their pets. As a result, the question of whether or not it is safe to burn incense around pets arises. If done correctly, the answer is yes. Follow these three simple steps to ensure that you and your pet can both benefit from a relaxing, fresh scent.
1. Use Quality Incense – Avoid Harsh Chemicals
Many incense manufacturers promote their products as being safe for animals, so use caution with unknown brands or homemade scents to prevent any potential issues. Choose blends that do not contain harsh chemicals and do not emit strong odors, these are safe for your pets. Pet-friendly incense sticks are made with gentle ingredients. Also, bear in mind that pets have varying levels of tolerance, so if your pet shows any signs of distress or appears to be having an allegoric reaction, remove them immediately and do not allow them to return. Also, keep in mind that pets’ tolerance levels vary, so if your pet exhibits any signs of distress or looks to be having an allegoric reaction, remove them right away and do not allow them to return.
2. Burn Incense in a Well-Ventilated Area
Air quality is a crucial factor for your pet’s health and well-being. Therefore, ensure to burn incense in a well-ventilated area. This can be accomplished by opening up a window to allow the smoke to escape rather than build up inside your space.
3. Pick a Secure Location
Place the incense in a secure location away from pets. Find an elevated area, where pets do not have easy access to or run the risk of brushing up against the incense sticks. Incense products are safe for pets as long as they are not heavily doused in alcohol-based aromas and your pets doesn’t ingest it. This can cause dehydration for your pet and make them seriously ill. Make sure you always keep an eye on pets who are curious about incense products.